Hello welcome to my blog. I am currently studying AS media and we are studying Slasher Films .My blog contains records of background ,planning and research leading up to the production of our final slasher film Red Christmas which will be a take on Black X mas Slasher. Thanks ! :)

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Film Openings Summary of Comventions

The conventions our group chose to do was Text,Directors titles,Other titles , Editing, Music and audio,Shots and mis en scene. The films we were comparing were 4 Weddings and a funeral , About a Boy, Heathers , Hidden Agenda, Atonement , Star Wars, Be kind rewind and Up the Junction .


In 4 Weddings and a funeral ,Hidden Agenda,atonement and heathers all use traditional serif font shows the film has serious aspects to it or could be a drama. They all start with black and white background. The font stands out against this so it more eye catching and grabs audience attention. But for modern set films they tend to use san serif font the titles are presented on sides of the screen to show importance and less importance such as in About a boy , Be kind rewind and star wars we do not see this in up the junction.

Directors Titles

In the heathers there is no director titles and in up the junction and starwars . however in 4 weddings and a funeral and about a boy by the directors name and then the film.But in be kind rewind and hidden addenda and atonement is says directed by then the directors names.

Other Titles

In about a boy and 4 weddings and a funeral Hugh grant is in both and introduced as the main character for both films the other titles are then presented in groups to show less importance.This is he same in heathers ad up the junction hidden agenda,be kind rewind, Atonement and star wars these are all presented in groups after main characters are introduce.


In be Kind rewind it fades in so does about a boy ,star wars , heathers, Atonement .In 4 weddings and a funeral and Hidden agenda and Up the junction all have no transitions and just start with the film straight in.

Music and Audio

In be kind rewind and hidden agenda both start with non digetic music the same with 4 weddings and a funeral , Heathers,Uo the junction, Star wars .The sound is digetic in About a boy and atonement all these films an audio bridge is used.


In about a boy and up the junction both used high angles shits to show weakness.In all of them close up shots are used to show and emphasis emotion .In about a boy ,4 weddings and a funeral,be kind rewind,heathers and star wars 2 shots are used to show relationship and to built the relationship between characters.There is use of shot reverse shot in Star wars and 4 weddings and a funeral when conversations are presented.But in star wars there are lots of low angled shots which sets the mis en scene and makes viewer feel more involved this shows power.Establishing shot is uses to show mis en scene in all films.

Mis en scene

In 4 weddings and a funeral; and about a boy there is a social class divide and this is a key message from the film which is betrayed well. In the other films the mis en scene is set through camera shots and the opening music.

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