How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

The characters in red christmas are 17. These characters are all girls they are all classic girly girls all with long hair makeup and fashionable.The final girl (who gets killed first) is highlighted by wearing a long coat and no revealing clothing and little makeup where as the final girl is wearing a skirt and tights. The other girls are wearing normal clothes that wouldn't stand out compared to these too outfits.This also relates to the teenage theme as teens can relate to there lives.In the mis en scene there is nothing to suggest a particular social group.
The girls are suppose to be carol singers so quite naive and are raising money to what the final girl put them up to. All teens are stereo types as english teens with mid class- upper class due to the area it is set and the designer clothing and accent. There for the social group this would be aimed at is mid class teens as they can relate most to these girls and there lives . this is also why we gave our film a rating of 15.
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