We have chosen to call our film red christmas because of the twist on the films main influence black christmas. Black christmas title makes the film scary and you can tell just from the title that this is going to be a scary film. due to the darkness of the title. we have put a twist on this and gone for red christmas still having intertexual references but this does not give the same feel of darkness however it does suggest blood. Red christmas the title could also seem jolly however there is a strong contrast with a normal christmas to this one which also fits very well. Our idea was to play on this the jolliness of christmas with what happens in our film to the bloody side of what the colour red could mean in this case blood. The title red christmas also relates to the santa in our piece who will be wearing all red and be killing with a knife ( common slasher weapon). At the end we also had the idea to use this blood to create some titles depending on how long our piece was . We also wanted to call our film Red christmas as you dont often here this saying its usually white christmas which we also took into consideration and will have relations to x mas throughout and if possible if it snows this would be great and also contrast with the idea of RED.
We related the colour red to blood however this could be seen as romance so we also had to make sure our font and style would be suitable so we decided on red to also stand out and be eye catching against the background. As we want the emphasis to be on the red we also decided to do the christmas part of the title to be in white to make it even more christmasy but still have meaning and relate to both the genre slasher and relate to the films we have studies and our main influences.
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