Hello welcome to my blog. I am currently studying AS media and we are studying Slasher Films .My blog contains records of background ,planning and research leading up to the production of our final slasher film Red Christmas which will be a take on Black X mas Slasher. Thanks ! :)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Final Cut express impressions

i found final cut express hard to work i thought it was hard to find the tools to edit film.i also found it confusing to work all the different short cuts . however i got more use to the programme as we did more editing . i found it easy to drag shots and to cut the scenes. i also found putting the transitions in easy but over all i found this tricky to work as it was not clear where all the different tools where and what they did.

different events made and imported data such as videos and pictures for video

Different transitions and effects to add to video

Different editing tools such as blade and select tool.

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